Teamwork means more than just working together at Lewis & Raulerson, Friendly Express and PSG…its means coming together and making a difference for a greater cause. Not only is this team a powerhouse of professionalism, they are dedicated and driven individuals representing the 18th Annual Lewis & Raulerson – Friendly Express Charitable Foundation.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
The Foundation has raised over $1,000,000 since its humble beginnings in 2000. The Foundation continues to grow leaps and bounds due to the generosity and dedication of all participants, volunteers and sponsors. A sincere “THANK YOU” to everyone that made this day possible. An official press release will be made in the coming week.
Pictured from left to right: Maybre Zachry (L&R), Wendy Merritt (PSG), Casey Hall (L&R), Sarah Music (L&R), Tara Dixon (FE)