Coming Wednesday August 1st 2018
Great news: Were upgrading the dispensers for the gasoline, marine and auto diesel pumps at our Corporate Office unattended FueLoc location in Waycross (location address :1759 State Street/Ossie Davis Parkway, Waycross, GA 31501)
This will be occurring on Wednesday August the 1st starting at 10am. The installation of the new dispensers is anticipated to be a smooth transition, and will only take the duration of the work day, with all pumps being fully available by early evening.
Not effected
Pumps 7, 8, 9 for On Road Diesel pumps will be available during this time and service for those diesel purchases will not be interrupted.
Alternate locations to Fuel would be:
Friendly # 50
1720 Memorial Drive
Waycross, GA 31501 Telephone (912) 283 2766 Gas, Diesel, Marine
Friendly #104
6509 Alma Hwy
Waycross, GA 31503 Telephone (912) 283 0024 Gas, Diesel, Off Road Diesel
1900 Alma Hwy
Waycross, GA 31503 Telephone (912) 283 7709 Gas
Improved features
Following the upgrade, the new dispensers will allow the FueLoc members to be able to scan their card, and authorize the pump selection at the new dispenser, (you will no longer have to go to the island reader to scan your card, when using the new dispensers). We are also adding the option for midgrade fuel, if you are authorized by your company for that fuel grade. The new dispensers will also allow fuel selections to be pumped from each side of the dispenser at the same time, which is the feature I think so many people will appreciate the most. Also, the new dispensers will provide a receipt from the dispenser next to your vehicle, instead of the previous method from the center island reader. The E-Receipts service will not be interrupted by the upgrade. We anticipate upgrading all of the remaining diesel dispensers in a similar fashion in 2019.
Thank you for your patience during this transition.